archive of destruction
The archive of destruction is a nomadic structure dedicated to
the collection of documents on actions and ideas that represent
a negation of its basic function, the preservation of memory.
The archive of destruction had its first public presentation
in 2007, and has been developing ever since in an organic, open,
and continuous process, with sporadic materializations and
ephemeral manifestations having taken place in both digital
form and in diverse physical locations across Europe, Asia and the US.

website under development
in the meantime, please refer to
or contact us at:

31 October 2024
 Notas Para Um Impulso Vulcânico
talk with
Pedro Levi Bismarck
at Livraria Trama, Porto


temporary reactivation
archive of destruction : Department of CIS
Culturgest, Lisbon


13 September 2024
A Volcanic Impulse
talk with
Pedro Levi Bismarck, Bruno Marchand
at Culturgest, Lisbon

Notes Towards a Volcanic Impulse
24 March 2024
talk at
Current Plans, Hong Kong

Reframing the Archive:
Image, Archive & Conflict 
22—23 September 2023

pre-concert talk with Björn Schmelzer
Rolling Stone — Antoine Brumel’s
Earthquake Mass in Times of Disaster
16 May 2023
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon